Der Euro in Südosteuropa / The Euro in Southeastern Europe

Der Euro in Südosteuropa / The Euro in Southeastern Europe

13. - 15. September 2024



The euro, and previously the Deutsche Mark, has long been the currency of choice in Southeast Europe. Buying a property or a personal computer is done in euros, and previously in German marks. This reflects the region’s integration with the economies of Western Europe and, in particular, the importance of migrant workers’ remittances to the region.

Countries in the region are increasingly adopting the euro as their official currency. With Croatia`s membership in January 2023, five countries in the region are members of the euro area (Croatia, Slovenia, Greece, Cyprus and Slovakia). Montenegro and Kosovo use the single currency but are not members of the euro area. Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bulgaria have pegged their national currencies to the euro. This patchwork of euro alignment reflects similarities with the European Union accession process in Southeast Europe.

The conference aims to take stock of recent monetary developments. We ask: How and why have some countries in the region adopted the euro? What are the economic and social consequences of their currency changeover? We also look at the other side of the coin: why are countries in the region reluctant to join or do not (yet) meet the criteria for membership, e.g. Romania and Bulgaria? Finally, the case of the Greek government in 2015 illustrates the risks associated with a possible exit from the euro area.

These examples illustrate political challenges facing the euro. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has added a geopolitical dimension to these challenges. Overall, governments in the region are reassessing their strategic options and timetables for EU integration and euro adoption. Institutional alignment and currency risks are providing new impetus for joining or remaining outside the euro area.

The international conference invites political economy experts, participants with a focus on Southeast Europe, European Union affairs, euro area developments, and those interested in financial markets and geopolitical developments.

Jens Bastian, Southeast Europe Association
Martin Held, Protestant Academy Tutzing


Freitag, 13. September 2024
16.00 UhrArrival of participants and registration
18.00 UhrDinner
19.00 UhrWelcome and introductionDr. Martin Held
Dr. Jens Bastian
19.15 UhrKeynote speech
Euro adoption and EU integration – Two sides of the same coin?Loukas Tsoukalis
20.45 UhrInformal get together
16.00 Uhr
Arrival of participants and registration
18.00 Uhr
19.00 Uhr
Welcome and introductionDr. Martin Held
Dr. Jens Bastian
19.15 Uhr
Keynote speech
Euro adoption and EU integration – Two sides of the same coin?Loukas Tsoukalis
20.45 Uhr
Informal get together
Samstag, 14. September 2024
07.45 UhrMorning reflections in the chapel
Dr. Martin Held
08.00 UhrBreakfast
09.00 Uhr
Croatia Panel
The newest member of the Euro Zone – Adoption and socio-economic consequencesBoris Vujcic (TBC)
Pawel Tokarski
Chair: Ognian Hishow
10.30 UhrCoffee break
11.00 UhrMontenegro and Kosovo Panel
With the Euro – But not in the Euro ZoneMirko Dukovic
Morina Engjellushe
Chair: Johanna Deimel
12.30 UhrLunch
14.00 UhrGreek Panel
Averting a Greek tragedy – Lessons learned from the Greek euro crisisHeiner Flassbeck
Loukas Tsoukalis
Chair: Jens Bastian
15.30 UhrCoffee break
16.00 UhrBulgaria and Romania Panel
Countries in the waiting room – Reasons for delaying Euro accessionYasen Georgiev
Daniela-Maria Maris
Chair: Franz-Lothar Altmann
18.00 UhrDinner
19.00 UhrEuropean Central Bank Panel
The role of the European Central Bank in Southeast EuropeGunter Deuber
Gabriel Glöckler (TBC)
Chair: Jens Bastian
20.30 UhrInformal get together
07.45 Uhr
Morning reflections in the chapel
Dr. Martin Held
08.00 Uhr
09.00 Uhr
Croatia Panel
The newest member of the Euro Zone – Adoption and socio-economic consequencesBoris Vujcic (TBC)
Pawel Tokarski
Chair: Ognian Hishow
10.30 Uhr
Coffee break
11.00 Uhr
Montenegro and Kosovo Panel
With the Euro – But not in the Euro ZoneMirko Dukovic
Morina Engjellushe
Chair: Johanna Deimel
12.30 Uhr
14.00 Uhr
Greek Panel
Averting a Greek tragedy – Lessons learned from the Greek euro crisisHeiner Flassbeck
Loukas Tsoukalis
Chair: Jens Bastian
15.30 Uhr
Coffee break
16.00 Uhr
Bulgaria and Romania Panel
Countries in the waiting room – Reasons for delaying Euro accessionYasen Georgiev
Daniela-Maria Maris
Chair: Franz-Lothar Altmann
18.00 Uhr
19.00 Uhr
European Central Bank Panel
The role of the European Central Bank in Southeast EuropeGunter Deuber
Gabriel Glöckler (TBC)
Chair: Jens Bastian
20.30 Uhr
Informal get together
Sonntag, 15. September 2024
07.45 UhrMorning reflections in the chapel
Dr. Martin Held
08.00 UhrBreakfast
09.00 Uhr
Boone or Bane for Southeast Europe?
Socio-economic consequences of Euro adoptionAlexandros Kritikos
10.30 UhrBreak
11.00 UhrConcluding Panel
The Euro in Southeast Europe – Geopolitical implicationsGunter Deuber
Manuel Sarrazin
Chair: Dušan Reljic
12.20 UhrConcluding remarks – Fare-wellChristian Hagemann
12.30 UhrLunch – End of the Conference
07.45 Uhr
Morning reflections in the chapel
Dr. Martin Held
08.00 Uhr
09.00 Uhr
Boone or Bane for Southeast Europe?
Socio-economic consequences of Euro adoptionAlexandros Kritikos
10.30 Uhr
11.00 Uhr
Concluding Panel
The Euro in Southeast Europe – Geopolitical implicationsGunter Deuber
Manuel Sarrazin
Chair: Dušan Reljic
12.20 Uhr
Concluding remarks – Fare-wellChristian Hagemann
12.30 Uhr
Lunch – End of the Conference

Mehr zum Thema



Gunter Deuber, Head of research, Raifeissen Bank International, Vienna
Mirko Dukovic, CIVICA fellow, European University Institute, Florence
Morina Engjellushe, European Council on Foreign Relations, Berlin
Heiner Flassbeck, Flassbeck Economics Consultancy, Saarbrücken
Yasen Georiev, Economic Policy Institute, Sofia
Gabriel Glöckler, European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main (TBC)
Alexandros Kritikos, German Institute for Economic Research, Berlin
Daniela-Maria Maris, University of Leipzig
Manuel Sarrazin, President of Southeast Europe Association, Berlin
Bernd Christoph Ströhm, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, Vienna
Pawel Tokarski, German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Berlin
Loukas Tsoukalis, President, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy, Athens
Boris Vujcic, Governor Central Bank of Croatia (TBC)

Franz-Lothar Altmann, Bucharest University
Jens Bastian, Board member Southeast Europe Association, Munich
Johanna Deimel, Board member Southeast Europe Association, Munich
Christian Hagemann, Executive Director, Southeast Europe Association, Munich
Martin Held, Protestant Academy Tutzing
Ognian Hishow, Free University Berlin
Dušan Reljic, Economic Consultant, Brussels

Preise & Informationen

Dr. Martin Held, Evangelische Akademie Tutzing |
Jens Bastian, SWP-CATS, Berlin, Southeast Europe Association |

Cornelia Spehr: ++49 + 8158 251 125 (Mo-Fri from 9 h to 12 h) or

You will be able to register with the attached card or directly online on our webpage. Your registration will be confirmed by us and is binding. The deadline for registration is August 30, 2024.

If you are unable to attend at short notice, you should notify us in writing no later than September 06, 2024, otherwise you will be charged 50 % of the full price. If you cancel on the day the conference, you will be billed 100 % of the total fee. After the deadline of cancellation, the
entitlement for a discount no longer applies. You will receive a written confirmation from us upon receipt of your cancellation. We recommend that you take out a seminar insurance.

FEES (in Euro) :
Participation Fee
(excluded coffeebreaks)
Board (without room and breakfast) 66.–
Full board and lodging  
– single room 203.–
– double room 159.–
– double room as a single 227.–
additional fee for short-time use of room and board 10.–
Interns, pupils, students (up to the age of 30) and unemployed persons receive a 50 % discount. For journalists the participation fee will be waived if an official press card from an authorized organization is presented. When claiming a discount, please send us a copy of your ID with your registration.

PHOTO: © Adobe Stock / Conference No. 0012025
VENUE: Evangelische Akademie Tutzing / Schlossstraße 2+4 / D-82327 Tutzing

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